Foundation is a science fiction drama series created by David S. Goyer for Apple TV, based on the The Foundation Series of stories by Issac Asimov. Spanning a thousand years and steeped in the history of many thousand more, Foundation follows the predictions of mathematician Hari Seldon and his followers as they seek to save the galactic empire from extinction.
Filming and production of the series began in Troy Studios, Limerick in 2019. The location made Odyssey Studios the ideal partner for many departments. From the outset Odyssey was commissioned by the Art Dept. to create large scale set pieces such as wall reliefs and statues for various sets.
These large set pieces were digitally modelled and machine carved on site in Odyssey Studios using a KUKA cnc milling robot, before being coated, textured and painted.
Next Odyssey was tasked with one of it's biggest builds to date. The VFX team proposed to shoot miniature model spaceships in order to create the high quaility and vfx intensive shots that were needed. This was a homage of sorts to productions which had used this technique in the past. Speaking to about the various spaceships in the series VFX Supervisior Chris Maclean said "We relly wanted to do them all as miniatures but time and budget wouldn't allow for it....then we decided which ones we wanted to build practically"
Maclean went to descibe his experience work with Odyssey.
"Odyssey Studios built the FTL ship, The Rubicon, The Aegis and The Beggar's Lament.....For me, it was amazing to learn about the process and to be part of it. These guys are truely dedicated artists and I loved everyminute of it. In the end, the footage of the ships was invaluable"
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